
Retirement abroad

The steady increase in requests coming from retirees looking to relocate from one foreign country to another is a trend we have been seeing for some time now in our daily professional life.

We often hear about digital nomads, travel bloggers and influencers who live and work in every corner of the world. However, they aren’t the only globetrotters accustomed to moving from one country to another; they are simply the most well known.

As far as retirees are concerned, one might think that these kinds of relocations are due to the mere expiration of a tax break or to changes in the laws of their country of residence. However, other factors are driving this global movement, which no longer involves only young people but also retirees that we might dub “retiree nomads.”

Who are these retiree nomads?

Retiree nomads are generally dynamic, curious and active people who want to see the world first hand, sharing these experiences with people they know locally or who will join them from home.

They are people with solid economic resources and the energy to dive in, start over, and explore new horizons, unknown lands and the radical change that every relocation brings.

Simply put, retiree nomads don’t want to miss the chance to discover the world outside their comfort zone, no matter where that may be.

Why relocate from one foreign country to another?

There are many reasons why a retired nomad might relocate from one foreign country to another, and they don’t always have to do with personal finances—although that is a fairly frequent common denominator.

Economic reasons

Relocating to a different foreign country often offers tax advantages in terms of retirement benefits combined with a lower cost of living.

This is true, for example, of the many retirees who relocated from Portugal to Albania or from Portugal to Cyprus or Greece when their 10-year tax benefits as non-habitual residents expired.

Geographical reasons

Proximity to their home country or, conversely, distance from it. Retirees who reside in a country far away from their homeland may, at some point, feel the need to be closer to their family and friends and thus be able to take more frequent trips to see them.

As a result, they opt for a solution that aligns with their goal: relocating to a country that’s closer to their homeland.

Others, on the other hand, wish to relocate even further away from their native country for geopolitical or other personal reasons, with the goal of changing their lives and rarely returning.

Climate-related reasons

Living for years in a country where the weather is less than ideal can be quite trying. As a result, many retirees decide to relocate to climate paradises such as the Canary Islands, even though they aren’t cheap and the fact that other countries might offer more enticing tax breaks on retirement benefits.

A desire for change

In other cases, relocating abroad is simply a personal goal, reflecting a desire for change and new experiences.

Often, this decision is also motivated by the desire to find a large community to become a part of, one with which to share more leisure time activities, hobbies and passions with others. In this case, the destinations are limitless: every country has its own unique, interesting potential.

Investing abroad and getting a new passport

Some countries around the world offer unique opportunities through Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programs. These government programs offer not only the possibility to obtain a second passport and thus an additional citizenship, but also the chance to live in a paradise on Earth such as the Caribbean Islands of Grenada or Antigua & Barbuda. Moreover, many such countries have excellent healthcare facilities reserved for citizens, and citizenship also makes it possible to open a bank account in that foreign state.

In order to apply to become a new citizen of a Caribbean island, it is necessary to make an investment, choosing from the options offered by the specific government program of the chosen island.

One of the most attractive investment opportunities is undoubtedly real estate: it’s possible to buy a property that, in many cases, is already leased out, which produces immediate income and can be re-sold within five years (in some cases, even less).

Please note: the application process is reserved; you will not be able to apply on your own. Instead, you will necessarily have to rely on a specialized relocation services company that operates globally through agents authorized by the local government.

Tax residency

When transferring tax residency, it’s very important not to underestimate the bureaucratic aspects related to a change of residence, chief among them being the need to end one’s previous tax residency before opening a new one in the new foreign country.

It’s best to verify your individual situation in the departure country carefully, ensuring that no detail is neglected. This will help avoid potential errors or delays that could create hard-to-manage obstacles later on.

When transferring tax residency, in fact, it’s best not to look only in one direction: a big-picture view is necessary, closely examining applicable fiscal details in the country being left behind and those of the destination country.


Prima di un espatrio in uno dei molti Stati da noi proposti, organizziamo un appuntamento individuale.

L'appuntamento consiste nelle seguenti attività:

  1. analizzare le tue aspettative;
  2. valutare la tua situazione pre-espatrio ed eventuali criticità/ostacoli;
  3. stabilire la fattibilità del tuo trasferimento all'estero;
  4. individuare i pro e i contro della destinazione (una o più) in merito alle tematiche più varie: tassazione, affitti, costo della vita, clima, sicurezza, assistenza sanitaria, etc;
  5. programmare il percorso di trasferimento: tempistiche, modalità, costi.

Vuoi trasferirti all'estero? Clicca qui sotto il riquadro in base alle tue esigenze:

In pensione all'estero

Vuoi defiscalizzare la pensione?

Business all'estero

Vuoi aprire la tua attività all'estero?


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