
The first concrete step toward relocating to and retiring in Albania is to sign a long-term rental contract, that is, of 12 months or more.

If your dream is to live at least six months of the year by the sea, perhaps in a city with all the services you need located on a bay surrounded by magnificent beaches, then Sarandë is the place for you.


Rental prices in Sarandë

Seeing as it’s a popular tourist resort, rental prices in Sarandë are slightly higher than the average for cities on the Albanian coast, such as Vlorë or Durrës.

In recent years in particular, and in certain seaside locations, rent in Albania has risen in no small part due to very high demand from retirees and entrepreneurs drawn to the country thanks to its well-known tax benefits.

Of course, the price of a rental property depends on many variables, in addition to the type of property itself: proximity to the sea or with a sea view, number of rooms, location (including proximity to amenities), and a heavily or less-touristed town are factors to take into consideration.

For the sake of convenience, we’ve divided rental properties in Sarandë into three categories:

  • Category A (premium): furnished apartments located near the center of town and close to the sea.
  • Category B (standard plus): good apartments located near the sea.
  • Category C (standard): well-equipped apartment, not far from the sea but not centrally located either.
Category A, 2 bed,1 bath €1,350/month + utilities
Category A, 1 bed, 1 bath €800/month + utilities
Category B, 2 bed, 1 bath €1,000/month + utilities
Category B, 1 bed, 1 bath €650/month + utilities
Category C, 2 bed, 1 bath €600/month + utilities
Category C, 1 bed, 1 bath €400/month + utilities


4 examples of homes for rent in Sarandë

Here are a few examples of homes for rent in Sarandë, selected according to the above categories:

1. Category A: apartment with a breathtaking view of the sea and the island of Corfu, 2 bedrooms

2. Category A: 2-bedroom sea view apartment with modern furniture and appliances

3. Category B: two-bedroom sea view apartment

4. Category C: one-bedroom apartment that’s close to amenities and 10 minutes from the sea

How to find a house for rent in Sarandë

REFRAMED will organize a real estate trip for you, entirely dedicated to your rental home search. From the initial selection of properties according to your specific needs to organizing viewings to see them in person, REFRAMED does it all, even on-site accompaniment, assistance and translation, so that you can be sure you’re signing the right rental contract.

Keep in mind that the sooner you move, the sooner we can proceed with the paperwork related to obtaining a residence permit and tax residence in Albania.


Prima di un espatrio in uno dei molti Stati da noi proposti, organizziamo un appuntamento individuale.

L'appuntamento consiste nelle seguenti attività:

  1. analizzare le tue aspettative;
  2. valutare la tua situazione pre-espatrio ed eventuali criticità/ostacoli;
  3. stabilire la fattibilità del tuo trasferimento all'estero;
  4. individuare i pro e i contro della destinazione (una o più) in merito alle tematiche più varie: tassazione, affitti, costo della vita, clima, sicurezza, assistenza sanitaria, etc;
  5. programmare il percorso di trasferimento: tempistiche, modalità, costi.

Vuoi trasferirti all'estero? Clicca qui sotto il riquadro in base alle tue esigenze:

In pensione all'estero

Vuoi defiscalizzare la pensione?

Business all'estero

Vuoi aprire la tua attività all'estero?


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